elda eats


“Joy’s soul lies in the doing.” -William Shakespeare

And so, I’m doing. Or eating, really.

Six years ago, I decided I would create a blog about eating, and drinking, and going places to eat and drink. What have I been doing the last six years, you ask? You mean, besides eating and drinking and going places to eat and drink. Okay, so I haven’t written all of it down (although that won’t stop me from wanting to reminisce about much of it here). And while not always in a very planned way, I have had some really good meals with more than a few adventures these last few years or so. And that’s the point, right. Eating great food with great people in great places? If you don’t agree, reading this blog and these posts probably won’t be for you, and that’s okay. If you do agree, you might find that these little eating adventures are quite interesting or maybe you’ll find them just a tad bit entertaining, and then maybe you’ll be motivated to take your own little (or big!) eating adventure, and I can tag along with you. (I’m always looking for a great recommendation, you know.) My hope is that this serves as an amuse-bouche, a small taste to whet your appetite for the eating life. My eating life. Or your own. After all, someone once said that “joy’s soul lies in the eating.”

That someone is me.

The longest and strongest loves + obsessions of my life have always been reading, writing, eating and traveling—and the adventures both big and small that have involved any or all of these. Whether by myself, with those I love most, or the new friends made along the way, my goal is to taste all the world has to offer. One adventure at a time.