Chicken Tikka Masala
cooking the 40,  elda cooks

Chicken Tikka Masala

“I am not a glutton – I am an explorer of food.” ~Erma Bombeck


Thank you, Erma. I could not have said that better myself.

I am not a glutton. I like food. I like traveling. I like adventures and experiencing new things. I have always loved learning about something that I didn’t know existed and I especially have always loved visiting new places—no matter how far or near my home they may be. Any new experience is usually worthwhile. Food experiences, too.

As a kid, we had to at least taste something new. If we didn’t like it, we didn’t have to eat it, but we had to taste it. My dad would never accept us saying we didn’t like something without giving it a try.

And so we ate all kinds of things, any kind of animal, food from all cultures, nothing was off limits. My life is still that way.

Indian Food

I first had Indian food while living in Chicago. I was never exposed to it growing up, but living in a big, very diverse city, allowed me the opportunity to try it. I loved it immediately!

And so I was really looking forward to making this next Cook the 40 recipe, and seeing how well I would do at making my own Indian food.

Photo of the magazine cover.
Best-ever recipes? Challenge accepted!

Cook the 40

Why take on Food & Wine’s best-ever recipes from their forty years in publication? Because if you’ve been paying attention, you know that’s one of the things I’m doing this year!

Besides, I’m hoping that taking on these 40 recipes will also add some fun and new favorite foods to my life. If even half of them end up being tasty, this will be a worthwhile endeavor. Again, new food usually is!

40 Years of Food & Wine

According to the September 2018 anniversary issue of Food & Wine, and editor Hunter Lewis,, what makes a good recipe is it being delicious, of course, and (I think even more important sometimes) the best recipes “tell a story worth repeating.” Well said, Hunter.

I am not sure what kind of stories these 40 best-ever recipes will tell from my kitchen’s point of view, but I am excited to find out, and taste just how well these recipe stories will taste.

I was excited to make this recipe. As much as I love Indian food, I had never made it.

The 12th Recipe

Chicken Tikka Masala by Grace Parisi. Wow, I first thought when I saw this recipe in the magazine. Can I make this? Will I be able to find the spices needed to cook this at home in San Antonio, Texas? The answers were and are yes and yes!

While I am certain that there are many, many Indian recipes that are very complicated and likely do contain ingredients that I can’t get here at home, I am so glad that this isn’t one of them. This recipe was so delicious! In fact, it is one of the best meals I have ever made. It really was that good!

I had never cooked with cardamom or garam masala!
Out of the refrigerator the next day, and ready to start cooking.
The chicken thighs ready for the oven.

Let’s Get Cooking

As I wrote above, I was able to find all of the ingredients to make this, and while it took a little time and timing for everything, it was not complicated to make.

Truly though, after tasting it, I’d make it again even if it would have been more complicated!

Added the chicken to the creamy sauce. The kitchen smelled so good!

Where Was I When This Recipe Was Published in 2003?

As Food & Wine was publishing this recipe in 2003, I was living in Chicago, in a condo in the South Loop area of downtown.

We didn’t travel anywhere “significant” that year, and I can’t really remember us doing anything that spectacular.

I know we likely visited some museums, went to baseball and hockey games (because we did that every year), ate out quite a bit in restaurants around town, and we likely made several road trips to visit our parents in Indiana and Missouri, but as I’ll have to confess again below, I have no photographic evidence.

How Many Years Do I Have Where I’m Not Sure If I Have Photos?

Yep. Again with the no photographs. The year happened. I know it did.

I lived, I worked, I ate; I am sure I had all kinds of fun, but I can’t prove anything. You’ll have to trust me on this one.

Just like I hope you’ll trust that this Chicken Tikka Masala recipe adventure was worthwhile, and one you should experience too.

I’ll certainly be making it again. God bless we the people, the explorers of food!

Elda XO

This meal was one of the best I’ve ever made. I can’t wait to make it again.

For more information on this great recipe, click here to be taken to the Food & Wine link:

I hope you enjoy—I sure did!

The longest and strongest loves + obsessions of my life have always been reading, writing, eating and traveling—and the adventures both big and small that have involved any or all of these. Whether by myself, with those I love most, or the new friends made along the way, my goal is to taste all the world has to offer. One adventure at a time.