Climbing 2020
elda eats

Climbing 2020

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”

~Ernest Hemingway

Happy New Year!

Arbitrary or not, I love the new year. I love the symbolic nature of starting anew, setting goals, creating priorities and since I’m a love-to-check-things-off-a-list person, I also love making new lists!

And so I am doing again this year—in 2020—what I do just about every new year, which is set new goals, create priorities and make some new lists. All with clear eyes, a strong heart, and the best intentions to be the best that I can be.

Being the Best I Can Be

My dad was right, I think. A resolution should be one that gets you to being your best self. Perhaps not a best self you might read about in Cosmo or a beauty magazine, but one that touches your mind, heart and soul. Goals that make you more “you” than you’ve ever been.

To me, every year is a chance to learn and grow, to experience and enjoy, to make things happen. Whether those things are great or small makes no difference. Just as long as they’re happening, and contributing to you living your best life.

Or to me living my best life, rather.

Looking Up, Looking High

I am looking up at 50 this year. Yep, I’m turning 50 in 2020.

What does that mean? In the grand scheme of things, not much I guess. For me, though, it’s an opportunity to set a theme for the year. I like to do that, you know. Last year was all about tasting, therefore: Tasting 2019. This year will be all about climbing, and so: Climbing 2020.

Climbing? Yes! Both figuratively and literally, as I’m planning to celebrate my 50th birthday climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

Looking up, looking high and climbing—indeed.

Eating 2020

I have not set all of my food and eating goals for the year yet, but rest assured there will be some.

Maybe some from a magazine…

Or maybe some from a book…

Either way, you can bet I’ll eat well this year.

Running 2020

Writing more, reading more and running more. Those are my basic goals for this year, and so what is my running goal? 500 miles this year. Maybe not such a big feat for some, but for me, it’ll mean getting back to a strict routine of running.

I can’t wait!

Is 500 miles a goal I can achieve? It better be, because I need strong legs with all this climbing I’m going to do…

Climbing 2020

Climbing. That’s my word for the year. And it’s a verb on purpose. It’s not just a verb either about doing, but about being. I vow to be all about climbing this year. Looking up, looking high, only reaching, and not wasting any time or effort on anything less—or low.

Climbing 2020; climbing to the top of whatever comes my way. Good thing I’ve got strong legs and clear eyes.

Happy 2020

The best way to get something done is to begin. So, let’s just begin…

Here’s to 2020—to climbing, and only looking up.

Elda XO

Are you one for making new year’s resolutions or setting goals at the start of each year? If you do, what are you planning for 2020?

The longest and strongest loves + obsessions of my life have always been reading, writing, eating and traveling—and the adventures both big and small that have involved any or all of these. Whether by myself, with those I love most, or the new friends made along the way, my goal is to taste all the world has to offer. One adventure at a time.