“Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet.” ~Sarah Louise Delany
Sarah Delany’s quote was the one I chose to lead the way in 2019, and it proved true. 2019 was definitely sweet!
2019. You tasted pretty damn good.
Life may indeed be messy, but it’s always worth the mess.
Here are 19 random things I learned, or relearned this year:
- *Life with Peter is the best!
- *Even when they leave dog hair everywhere, they are worth having in my home and in my life—I love my Liberty and Peyton girls.
- *Texas gas stations are the best gas stations in the world.
- *Running in old running shoes isn’t a good idea.
- *Even in Russia, being from Texas is cool. Duh!
- *New York City has the best bagels.
- *Like-minded strangers can support you like no one else.
- *Making a difference—no matter how small—can make all the difference.
- *Finland makes the best chocolate I’ve ever tasted.
- *A good slice of pie is worth driving all those miles.
- *People don’t really pay attention, and that’s okay.
- *When people do pay attention, it’s pretty awesome.
- *Rembrandt was pretty badass.
- *Chuck Norris is still pretty badass.
- *Cooking along to Game of Thrones was also pretty badass.
- *I really don’t like my car, although I do like that it is paid for!
- *0.7 Uniball Signo gel grip pens are my jam.
- *Things that don’t contribute to me looking up are a waste of my time.
- *I’m glad I let my hair blow into that paleta—life is messy, sticky, crazy and colorful and no matter if the days are windy, rainy, sunny or cold—it’s all worth it. This year, next year, and always.
Life with Peter and our dogs
Life with Peter and our dogs truly is the best. All I ever dreamed of when it came to living life with someone is how it is with Peter. He loves me, he respects me, and he supports me being me. As for the dogs, well, life with loving dogs is like a little piece of heaven here on earth.
With Peter in September in Copenhagen.
Our girls supporting House Stark during the final season of Game of Thrones.
Peter didn’t even flinch when I said I’d be judging the best pizza in San Antonio. His support means a lot to me!
Texas Gas Stations, Hooking ‘Em in Russia and Running Shoes
Duh, of course Texas gas stations are the best, and of course even Russians know all about Texas and Hook ‘Em Horns. But, being too lazy to buy new running shoes and pounding your feet in old Nikes? Not a good idea.
Do better in 2020, Elda. Thanks.
I love a good Coke ICEE! Oh, Buc-cee’s. How could I ever drink on the road without you…
Hanging out and hooking ’em in Russia. Russia? Yep. And you better believe someone recognized my cap and knew all about Texas and the Longhorns. Hook ’em!
Will run for pancakes… …and beer… …and for Chuck Norris… …and for pumpkin pie… …and for Shiner. But in 2020, I’ll run for all of these and more in new running shoes.
New York, New York!
If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere…
Did I really make it? Well, I did make it to New York for writing and travel inspiration at Women’s Travel Fest—and where I also confirmed that the city does indeed have the best bagels, and that like-minded strangers can be the best friends you need when you need some support.
Where do you find the best bagels anywhere? Probably at Russ & Daughters in
New York City!
Strangers who support your dreams may as well be your friends, right? I chased some of my dreams in NYC in 2019…
Travel for Chocolate & Pie?
Oh, you bet! While I did eat well all year long, the summer definitely had the best sweet treats of the year, I think.
While our Baltic Cruise wasn’t about chocolate when we planned it…
..we did end up eating… …probably the best… …chocolate I’ve ever had! We loved Finland!
This place is worth the drive! Because driving for pie is always a great idea anyway, right!
Peter Makes All The Difference
People kind of sucked a little bit in 2019. Oh, well. I made some changes and I’m the better for it. Someone who never lets me down? The love of my life. Whether it’s his support of all of my goals and dreams, or his agreeing to fly with me to Minneapolis to eat a burger, he is the best life partner I could have ever hoped for.
True support and love sure does make all the difference!
Having fun in Minneapolis. Of course, how much is he really sacrificing when he gets to eat a burger like this??? 😉
These Badass Dudes
Rembandt and Chuck Norris. Enough said.
A trip to Amsterdam in August reminded me that Rembrandt was pretty badass.
The Old Gods and The New
Dressing my dogs up with Game of Thrones bandanas and making Westeros-themed meals for the final season…the things I do for love.
Love of Game of Thrones, that is.
Last season of Game of Thrones… …meant lots of Westeros-themed days and meals… …and dragon eggs… …oh, and long live House Stark! Liberty loves looking like a Direwolf. 😉
Looking Up
I mean what I write when I write that things that do not contribute to me looking up are a waste of my time. Whether those “things” be actual things, or people, I continue to do my best to not lose precious time or effort on anything that doesn’t enhance my enjoyment of this one and only life.
As my dad liked to remind me, life is short but the days are long. Live accordingly.
Cheers to 2019 and hello, 2020—I’m sure you’ll taste just as good!
Thanks for the memories, 2019! We shall not see your like again.
Elda XO