“Every adventure is worthwhile.” ~Amelia Earhart Indeed, Amelia. And on our shared birthday last week, the food adventure at a greenhouse in Iceland was definitely worthwhile! While Icelandic sheep outnumber people 3-to-1 (or so I was told, by both guidebook and Icelanders alike), their ability to produce well, produce –Â as in vegetables – is a little more complicated it seems. Avocados and other things we Americans take for granted are quite expensive in Iceland, and you can see why fish and lamb are sometimes more economical than ordering a big salad off of a restaurant menu. That being said, a visit to Fridheimar Farm was a special food adventure with…
Eating Iceland
“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” ~James Beard To be honest, before this year, Iceland had never been high on my list of places to visit. And until one of my best friends suggested it as our biennial comadres vacation destination, I didn’t know much about the country, its history or its food culture. But as I mentioned in last week’s blog post, once I started reading and researching, I knew it would be a different kind of travel experience and culinary adventure – and if I did want to be challenged on this trip, I was not disappointed! In fact, the word adventure doesn’t even begin to…