“O’ pumpkin pie, your time has come ’round again and I am autumnrifically happy!” ~Terri Guillemets Now, you already know that I spent the month of September judging (and eating) pies. I tasted 43 pies and not a pumpkin among them. Why? Because it wasn’t time for pumpkin pie in September. But of course, now it’s October. And October in South Texas means it’s Bill Miller pumpkin pie season. For those of you not familiar, Bill Miller B-B-Q is a better-than-just-fast-food barbecue restaurant chain that if you’re from where I’m from, it’s a huge part of your life growing up, and possibly still is even after you can afford to…
Taking care of people at The Barn Door…
“Having been in the restaurant business, our job in the restaurant business is to be responsible for our customers’ happiness. It’s the nature of the hospitality business. You need to take care of people.”     ~Andrew Zimmern I agree with Andrew Zimmern, and I think he could have been talking about The Barn Door in San Antonio. My goodness, how had I never been to The Barn Door before last week?! What a great San Antonio place! I loved it! The experience may have been just a little bit better than the food (for the price) but the food was really good. I had the lady’s filet mignon…
Side dishes are my side hustle…
Well, I am behind again. I’ve been so busy working on my Win Lose or Pie adventure and gathering my notes and thoughts that I haven’t written my weekly “best thing I ate last week” posts. But I will catch up. After all, this is my blog. My blog, my rules, right? 🙂 What I remember most about this particular week is Taco Tuesday at Blanco Cafe and the fact that they serve a side of carne guisada. A side of carne guisada! You can order anything else on the menu and then get a side of carne guisada! Where has this been all my life?! I think that’s it.…
Full stomachs, glad hearts, can’t lose…
“When the stomach is full, the heart is glad.” ~Dutch proverb Whose heart isn’t glad after a good pot roast? Especially for dinner on a rainy Sunday. You brown the meat, get it nice and ready for the dutch oven, and along with the cut up veggies thrown into the pot, the combination cooks for at least six hours or so and makes your entire house smell oh, so good. (Well, Peter actually made the pot roast, but nevertheless, the house smelled amazing!) Pot roast is one of those easy dishes that takes little effort really (well, maybe as long as you get a good piece of meat) but turns…
A perfect omelet…
“The way you make an omelet reveals your character.” ~Anthony Bourdain Well, if Anthony Bourdain is right, I guess my character is in good shape these days, as I made a heck of an omelet. Or is it omelette? I spelled it that way when I posted this photo (more than) a week ago. At any rate, I definitely agree with Chef Puck. An omelet (or omelette!) is always perfect. But does it have to be perfect? Or can it just be good? Either way, as long as it’s not overcooked, it will rank pretty high up there as the best thing I eat in any given week. I’ve always…